Fox Y2K Logo


FAT System Guide

The DOS Zone

My Software


Updates Log For Year 2001


  • 17th November 2001.
Implemented a new colour scheme and smaller navigation bar.
Changed "Disks In Detail" to the "FAT System Guide".
Changed the LFN algorithm in the FAT System Guide.
Corrected an obvious (and stupid) mistake in the FAT System Guide.
Added and changed some notices.
Converted all GIFs to PNGs, GIFs suppress freeware and should be wiped out...
Hyperlinked my FOXy2K graphic.
Shifted, removed and slightly modified some pages.
Added some content to the DOS Zone.
Added a plug for The DOS Board to each page of the FAQ pages.
Dropped the JavaScript image swaps in the My Software section.
Removed Jokes and Doom sections.
Corrected some spelling errors.
Fixed, updated and removed some links.
Implemented a new page generation scheme which should speed up changes in the future.
There may be some other alterations I've forgotten about as well.
  • 27th May 2001.
Changed the titles on some pages.
Moved the update notification form onto a separate page and added a privacy "Q and A" bit.
Made minor alterations to my home page.
Implemented a new colour scheme on three pages.
Updated status page.
  • 25th May 2001.
Removed picture on the links page.
(After getting growled at repeatedly)
  • 24th May 2001.
Amended a link on the links page.
Added a picture on the links page.
Changed some colours.
Spelling corrections in Disk In Detail (thanks to Fleamailman for pointing them out)
Put updates for year 2000 on a different page.
  • 30th April 2001.
Added a link to the links page.
  • 25th April 2001.
Added a new GUI diskette imager program.
Added a new command line batch utility.
Added a notice.
Made some additions to the links page also removed a link.
Made some minor content changes.
Altered the navigation bar on some DOS Zone pages.
Made some layout changes in Disks In Detail.
  • 15th April 2001.
Added an update, I'd forgotten (to 09/04/01).
Added a link to the links page.
Made some minor content changes.
Corrected a grammatical error in the Disks In Detail section.
Corrected some spelling mistakes.
Modified all feedback forms.
Altered the navigation bar on some more pages.
Made some layout changes.
  • 9th April 2001.
Re-wrote home page.
Altered the navigation bar on some pages.
Altered my disclaimer.
Added a updates notification form.
Added main feedback page.
Started removing links to
the Doom and Jokes sections.
Corrected error in Disks In Detail section.
Corrected Spelling mistakes.
Made some other minor modifications.
  • 17th January 2001.
Amended notices and status pages.
Added a (completed) credits page to the DOS Zone.
Added blank pages to the DOS Zone so no one can fall into
Amended one link removed another.
Completed some more FAQ's in the DOS Zone.
  • 12th January 2001.
Corrected an error in the Disks in Detail section.
  • 11th January 2001.
Finished another FAQ.
  • 9th January 2001.
Started a new section entitled "The DOS Zone".
Removed what there was of the electronics area.
Implemented a new navigation system.
Altered the My Software area.
Removed the temporary page added on 24/12/00.

Update pages: [2002][2001][2000]
Copyright © Jonathan Fox 2000-2002.