Battle-shirts also called
Guerrilla-shirts or Over-shirts

This page shows a range of battle shirts, guerrilla shirts or over shirts that were worn by Confederate soldiers guerrillas, bushwhackers or Partisan Rangers but not all photos in existence by any means. They are categorized simply as will be seen below.

The Southern Banner, Athens, GA, 6th August 1862, p. 4, c. 7
1000 yards country Cotton Cloths, plain, striped and checked;
1000 yards Woolen Linsey for Overshirts;
500 yards " Jeans for Coats and Pants for all which the best market price will be paid in cash.
July 16. I. M. Kenney.

Dallas Herald, 6th December 1862, p. 2, c. 2
We have been shown a donation of 31 pairs worsted socks, 50 flannel overshirts, 2 undershirts, and 6 pair flannel drawers, for the soldiers, made by a lady and her two daughters, in Grimes county. The flannel was all of home manufacture, and the best article of the kind we have seen in many a long day.

Over-shirts were in use as early as the 1840s and were still worn in the late 1880s. During the early months of the Civil War there was an immediately need for provisional uniforms with most local Southern communities left the task of furnishing their own troops. The over-shirt was an easy choice, whereby it could be easily adorned with trim and buttons and worn over any civilian clothing..  These were often made by hometown societies or even by a soldier’s wife or sweetheart and were usually from a course, probably homespun, material. These were worn both tucked in or out side the trousers.

These shirts were often left plain, but many times they were decorated with a simple trim tape or ribbon one-half inch or inch wide, this was most commonly used on the collars and cuffs. Sometimes they had elaborate heavy embroidery around the neck and pockets. These heavily embroidered shirts became closely associated with Missouri guerrilla fighters during the 1850's and 1860's. They were produced in a variety of colours and fabrics i.e. woollen-flannel, cotton and were often bright and check or plaid. These shirts were made as plainly or elaborately as the wearer desired.

This page covers all known shirts worn by named guerrillas but is not meant to be a complete list of all know photos of these shirts worn by all other people. Anyone searching will find that there are many more not posted here.

Guerrillas                           Covering shirts worn by such people as Jesse James and "Bloody Bill" Anderson.

Known soldiers                 Covering shirts worn by such well know people as William T. Biedler and Stephen Pollard.

No pockets                       Here are all the shirts with no pockets that have been found.

With one pocket               This covers a small selection of one pocket shirts.

Those with two pockets    This covers a selection of two pocket shirts.
