‘Hordes of the Things' Fantasy Wargames Rules


This page is for links to a set of pages for the HOTT armies that are used locally. For the uninitiated these are a set of fantasy rule produced some years ago and published by the Wargames Research Group. These are an inexpensive simple set of rules that are hugely popular.
Locally they are used as a 'Pub Night' set of rules as up to four per side can play on a 4'x2' table and the game can be over in between 30 minutes and two hours. All people bring their armies along and as it's fantasy hugely disparate armies face one another with no arguments that this is not historically correct.
When playing you may choose armies from the lists it the back of the rules, or make up your own. Locally we prefer not to restrict ourselves just to 'Army Lists'. Armies are available from as little as £6.50 each, & are available  from numerous manufacturers.
Local amendments:
Paladins:                      Adds +1 to his own army’s troops fighting on his immediate flanks. To a maximum of 6.
Artillery:                      Cost 2 AP. Shoot in their own and opponents bound, only with no movement in their own last bound.
Clerics:                        Cost 2 AP.
Gods & Dragons:         Deployment costs reduce 1 pip per move to minimum of 4 AP. Must spend all points that move  deploying. May return.

Jim's (Gazkhan's) Armies
Jim's (Gazkhan's) Armies to convert
Other peoples Armies
Martin's (The Captain's) Armies 
Martin's Armies
Simon's Armies
Sid's War of the Ring
         Water Margins Armies
      Hordes on Mars Armies  
      Lord of the Rings Armies