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International Women's Festival 2008

(published March 2008)

The nineteenth annual Oxford International Women's Festival will take place from 1 to 15 March 2008. The theme this year is"Women's Journeys" and as usual NOW will be putting on a thought-provoking event, this year entitled 'Women in Slavery - Then and Now'.

As there is so much overlap between NOW members and those involved in organizing the Festival, I thought it was relevant to start with photos of the Festival launch party, which took place on Saturday March 1st in front of The Buttery in Broad Street.

Next will come the posters and flyers for NOW's event on Saturday March 8, in the Asian Cultural Centre, Manzil Way, off Cowley Road. Hopefully, after the event, we may be able to include a report and any further photos.

If people would like to contribute further reports about any aspect of the festival, or photos, please don't hesitate to email me at:

To see details of last year's International Women's Festival, click here


Launch of Oxford International Women's Festival 2008,

Saturday 1March 10:30am - 12:00am

with the


Mad Hatter's Tea Party

ably supported by the

Breach of the Peace Samba Band




NOW members sip tea at Mad Hatter's Tea Party


To see details of last year's International Women's Festival, click here


Samba players conferring in Broad Street


'Breach of the Peace' samba players  at full throttle




The Mad Hatters and the Sambaistas attract an interested audience




2 festival supporters take tea - one of them with some stunning leg wear




Oxford International Women's Festival 2008

Poster and flyer for 'Women in Slavery - Then and Now'


Full colour poster for NOW's festival event on March 8 2008: 'Women in Slavery - Then and Now'




Flyer with details of the event and potted biographies of the speakers, please click here and wait a few seconds, as PDF files are slow to appear


Khi Rafe and Sondra Hausner at the March 8 event in the Asian Cultural Centre



Speakers Khi Rafe and Sondra Hausner at the NOW event on 8  March  2008.



Trades Council International Evening, Thursday 6 March

Report by Caroline Raine

On 6 March trade unionists and others gathered to hear three speakers on different topics which highlighted the importance of solidarity between women nationally and internationally.
Caroline Raine from the Network of Oxford Women for Peace and Justice (NOW) set the scene by talking about the history of International Womens Day and the inspiration provided by womens struggles as early as the English Civil War. Caroline also spoke about international solidarity, illustrating this with examples from Cuba and Palestine. Clare Cochrane of Oxford Pro Choice spoke about the importance of womens right to choose abortion and changes that were needed in legislation to make this meaningful, for example only needing the consent of one doctor instead of the current two. Difficulties in accessing abortion were a major threat to womens mental and physical health. Following Clare's presentation there was an interesting discussion particularly on how the campaign could link up with Keep Our NHS Public. The final speaker was Tatyana Pashko, who is responsible for Gender Equality for the Russian Trade Union Federation. Tatyana was at the meeting with a delegation from Eastern Europe currently studying at Ruskin College and it was interesting to hear about gender issues in Russian trade unions.

To see details of last year's International Women's Festival, click here

