
Capt. Ke'reth

a.k.a Robert Lydford

(All names rendered in Terran spelling)

Ke'reth sat in his command chair, his features illuminated by pale red glow from the I.KV, ghar's lighting. (ghar, is the Klingon word for Diplomacy.) His right hand held a padd. On which, was a report from the front line. He scowled, eight Federation ships destroyed, four heavily damaged. Six Klingon Vessels destroyed, two crippled. He handed the padd. back to b'sel, his chief of Staff, who was acting as his First officer. "I take it, the news is bad?" Ke'reth nodded. Her gaze dipped to read the padd. A klaxon sounded, Ke'reth dismissed it by running a finger briskly across his throat. The howl of the klaxon ceased. Lt. Khadi turned to him, from the Communications station. "Sir - I have, a weak transmission on emergency channel three." (A Federation Frequency monitored by all allied Vessels.) Ke'reth gestured, for her to put it on the Bridge speakers. A female voice could be heard between bursts of static and Dominion jamming signal...

"~~~~To a~y S~~ps w~-thin the sou~-d of m~~oice~~~~~~~ This is t~e USS. Miami~~~~~C~pta~n Mai~Lin Yao~~~~~ C~mm~~di~g ~f~ocer~~~~~~ U~S~ ~iami~~~"

Her voice kept breaking up, and it was hard to understand her garbled message. Lt. Khadi's fingers played across her console and the message started to clear.

"~~I repe~t, to any Ships w~thin the sound of my ~oice~~~ This is the USS. Miami~~~~ C~ptain Mai-Lin Yao~~~ Comm~ndi~g officer~~~ ~ USS. Miami ~~~. Our life support is limited to thr~e dec~s our warp co~e is of~line an~d we have su~tained damage to e~cape pod 1~unch s~~tems. please he~p."

B'sel looked at Ke'reth then glanced over her shoulder to Ensign K'tal at the Security Station. Her voice called out across the Bridge. "Scan for Dominion forces Ensign, we're only about two light years from the border of Dominion space." K'tal nodded, as he turned back to his console. "I'm not picking up much, as we're attempting to scan through the Nazrea Nebula." The young man shook his head as he spoke. "Sorry Sir, It's like thick blue smoke out there. I'm reading Sebrike gas, Carsium, jalvinyde and Sirrillium. It's what the Feds call a type 12 Nebula. It's highly combustible, sir!" Ke'reth snarled, under his breath. As he turned from Security to Communications. His voice, strangely calm. "Security! - Triangulate the last known Position of the USS. Miami, from its emergency broadcast. Communications Officer, Contact Starfleet Command, ask them for last known Coordinates, and other relevant information on the Miami." B'sel turned back to face Ke'reth...

"A trap?" She asked. Ke'reth allowed his lip to curl, almost to a smile, as he considered his reply. "It never hurts to use a little caution." Lt. Khadi, turned her chair to face them. "Sir!" Ke'reth glanced up from his Command chairs' in-built Tactical console. The Young woman continued. "I've been speaking with Admiral Coburn at Starbase 375. The USS Miami, under the command of Captain Mai-Lin Yao, has been missing for three days, her last known Co-ordinates would be within a few hours travelling time of the Nazrea Nebula."

Ensign K'tal spoke up. "I have a target lock. I had to use targeting scanners to pierce the Nebula. I'm picking up a single, heavily damaged, Akira Class Heavy Cruiser, two hundred and seventy life forms aboard. I'm only registering life support on three decks, multiple hull breaches, Warpcore is offline. But I'm picking up a build up of Plasma in their Warp Engines. I'm no engineer Sir, but that can't be good." Ke'reth nodded, as he stood up and approached the Main View screen. "Helm! Bring us within transporter Distance. Marine Squad Commander Veqal, to the Bridge!" Ke'reth raised his voice to the ship's overhead communicator...

A few minutes passed, before Marine Squad Commander Veqal, entered the Bridge. Her hair was dark, and her eyes reflected the steely gaze of Ke'reth's own, all that marred her beauty was the Bat'Ieth scar than ran across her right cheek, stopping just short of her lips. "You sent for me Captain!" She asked snapping to attention, with an action that seemed to reverberate through the deck plates. Ke'reth returned her Salute, and handed her the padd that b'seI had been working on. The woman took it, as Ke'reth spoke. "Prepare your team for boarding, I want that Federation Vessel either Operational or made stable for towing. You'll also be taking a Medical Triage, and Engineering teams with you. So, go get your Weapons and equipment. I want your teams ready to Disembark in ten Minutes."

She nodded, Saluted, turned on her heel and left. "Well, she seems like a barrel of fun, which Kennel did you get her from?" B'sel joked. Ke'reth waited until the doors had closed. "That's hardly fair, She's just efficient." B'sel's lip twitched, almost forming a smile. I'm efficient, and I'm punctual. But you don't see me turning Vulky!" (Racist term, for someone who emulates Vulcan behaviour.)

Ke'reth gestured to Lt. Khadi. "Put me through to the USS Miami." The young woman nodded her compliance, as the Main screen crackled and came to life. The Bridge of the USS Miami was charred, there must have been quite a fire, Ke'reth thought, as an Asian woman stood up from tending a young Andorian Ensign. Her face and shirt were smeared with blood, sweat and black ash. Ke'reth could see that her Command chair had been smashed by a fallen ceiling support. Her jacket sleeve had been torn off and used as a makeshift bandage on her right arm. She smiled. "Captain!" She addressed him, joyfully. "Am I glad to see you!" She wiped her hands on what was left of her uniform jacket. "I hope you can help us."

"Tell me what Happened Captain." Ke'reth asked in what he hoped was a concerned tone...

"We were part of a Three ship Assault team. We took a number of hits from a Jem'Hadar cruiser. The Starships Valley-Forge and Lincoln gave chase. We were crippled, in the firefight and we had to hang back until our Warpcore could be reinitialised. It was only then, that Six Jem'Hadar Fighters came screaming out of the Nebular, we only had partial shields. We took out three of them. But they carved us up like a thanksgiving turkey, then left us for dead."

Ke'reth took a deep breath. "Captain, I have a boarding team ready to beam aboard. Just give the word, and tell us where you have an operational Life support. We'll use that as a beam in point."

She nodded."Consider the word given Captain, I suggest Deck three, near the Med-Bay." Ke'reth nodded, as he gave the Okay for his boarding party to scramble. He then turned to give another order, when the woman's voice called him back to the screen. "Captain" she called out tentatively. Ke'reth turned, causing his Command cloak to fan out behind him. "Yes?" He asked. "Thank you." She said, "but I don't even know your name." Ke'reth gave her his best wolfish grin. "My name is Makura, Ke'reth Makura, at your Service."

B'sel's voice interrupted them. "Brace yourself Captain, Company's coming. I'm reading three Cardassian Galor Class Cruisers, five Jem'Hadar Strike Cruisers, and fifteen Support Fighters. They're being pursued by a couple of Federation Cruisers." Captain Yao, jumped as a shower of sparks erupted from a nearby console. "Believe it or not, Ke'reth, we're in no condition to fight." Ke'reth smiled, more to himself than to anyone else. "I'll see you later Captain." As Ke'reth disengaged the Transmission, he heard her voice. "Good luck Captain."

Ke'reth ran back to his chair. "Okay, it's party time. Bring the shields online, Activate Disruptors and Quantum Torpedoes. B'sel, take the Secondary weapons console." B'sel left the Bridge and ran down a small corridor. The door beside her was black, and painted with a red Trefoil. She slammed her hand against a flat plexiglass panel. A blue light scanned her hand, as the doors opened to reveal a black Targ hide swivel chair. This, in turn, was set within the contour of a black sphere. B'sel sat down, and brought the system on line by touching a second panel. A red lit triangular grid lit up against the black, surrounding her. It was this small room which gave Ke'reth's ship it's teeth and claws. "I'm ready, Captain, I'm patching in the ships' secondary targeting sensors to the black room." A number of ships appeared as part of a real time holographic display. The Diplomacy swung around to face the Cardassian vessels. She checked the distance to target Four thousand and fifty six Kellicams and closing. On a heading of, Zero - twenty-two point four. Then came a barrage from the main cannons. There was a flash as the first Cardassian vessel fire balled. She felt a rush go through her, she shivered as her hand caressed the targeting grid. Then an amber light came on. She read the line of Klingon Characters that seemed to dance under her gaze. "Iso-Kinetic Cannons on-Line. All systems go." She felt her heart race, all eight chambers seemed to pulse with energy. She grinned as the Cardassian vessel entered range. She flicked a switch, as a series of scarlet triangles lit up. As the last one appeared, she fired.

Blue light, seemingly brighter than a small star exploded from the starboard Cannon, followed in quick succession by a blast from the port side Cannon. One blast each was all it took to cripple, then destroy two more Cardassian vessels, as the deadly bolts of light tore through their shields and ruptured their Warpcore. Soon all that was left was hot and twisted metal. The Starfleet Vessels teamed up to rake the Jem'Hadar cruiser with phaser fire. Until it went belly up, then exploded in eye searing flash. The Diplomacy fired a hale of Quantum torpedoes and simultaneous Disruptor fire at the enemy ships. Destroying three fighters and crippling a Cruiser. The Starfleet Vessels circled like vultures and tore open their prey apart. Ke'reth smiled as the remaining enemy fighters attacked the Diplomacy from the rear. "B'sel, I take it your already warming up a little something for the Jem'Hadar." He said with irony. She grinned as she slid back a panel and flicked a small blue switch. An audible warning sounded throughout the ship, as a small red button rose up under her hand. "Ready when you are Captain." She said.

Ke'reth smiled. "Let them get nice and close, B'sel. We want to give them a warm welcome."

"Aye Sir!" She replied. A blast caused the lights to flicker aboard Ke'reth's ship. Then another! The Klingon ship pitched as a torpedo struck its shields. A voice rang out. "Sir, Our shields are down to seventy eight percent." Another blast caused Ke'reth to grip the arm of chair as the ship pitched.

"Now Sir?" B'sel asked. Ke'reth remained silent. "Now Sir?" B'sel repeated a note of urgency in her voice. Ke'reth smiled as he watched the enemy ships came closer. "Now Sir!" B'sel Protested.

"Okay B'sel, commence 'Death-Blossom'." Her hand fell upon the button. The enemy probably never saw the small panels as they opened along the rear of the Bird of Prey's wings. Before they knew what had hit them, thirty tracking mines sped towards their fleet. The space around them glowed red and orange, as the mines locked on and totally obliterated their targets. B'sel's voice rang out over the intercom. "Yeee-haaah! Tell me that wasn't a blast, Captain!" Ke'reth smiled at the Communications officer. As he acknowledged B'sel's words...

"Send my regards to Captain Ezekiel Stone of the USS. Valley-Forge and to Captain Jarleth Kiern of the USS Lincoln. Ask them to beam off the Survivors from the USS Miami. I'll swing around and pick it up for Warp towing back to 8ta~se 410. It is four days travel time at Warp seven. If we push it, we can be there in three. Communications - Patch me through to Captain Mai-Li.n Yao."

"Aye Sir", came the voice of the Communications officer.

Captain Yao's face appeared on the viewer. behind her two klingon Marines were clearing the debris from her command chair. "Captain Ke'reth, It's good to see you again. I'm in your Debt, Makura-San. Your fast actions saved many lives." Ke'reth watched her carefully, as she pushed a lock of ebony hair from her brow. "What can I do to thank you?" She asked. Ke'reth suppressed his smile. "How about a meal, at the Klingon Embassy?" Her eyes narrowed. "Won't the Ambassador mind?"

Ke'reth shrugged. "It's okay, I know the Ambassador quite well I'm sure he won't mind."

"It sounds lovely thank you. It will be a welcome change of pace, to sit and relax over a meal and some wine."

Three days later, aboard Starbase 410. Commodore Anarita Jat stood up, and walked across to her observation window. She hadn't slept well, the war had been playing on her mind. Everyday, a new list of casualties arrived. The latest vessels to be lost included the Starships, Valley-Forge, Miami and Lincoln. Three ships that since becoming a Commodore, had been placed under her indirect command. She touched her replicator's menu screen, and pulled herself a cup of steaming hot chocolate. The Nebular was in one of its dull phases. The Vulcan Science ship T'predaa had estimated that at zero four, thirty two hours, Station time. The Nebular would erupt. Anarita hadn't planned on getting up early enough to see it though. Three Vessels lost. It was enough to give her a bad case of insomnia. She'd hardly seen her first officer in six days. Starfleet Intelligence had pulled out all the stops. Dozens of Starfleet officers had been reassigned to the Dominion problem. She was suddenly startled out her thoughts by a number of Orange flashes, then suddenly the whole station was illuminated as the Nebula flared up, bathing the station in its fiery hues...

A voice, broke the silence. "Captain Jat!" A woman's voice came from her computer station, as it's screen rose up to greet her. At first, there was only a Federation symbol and a bleeping sound. She answered it, as she absentmindedly straightened her hair with her fingertips. "Sorry to wake you, Sir. But I have an urgent message for you on Channel twenty one." She thanked the young Bolian Ensign, before switching to Secure-Cam Channel twenty one. The Klingon Ambassador's face appeared on the Screen. "Ahhhh!" He said with a smile, as her face appeared on his Viewer. "It's a Glorious Morning, Commodore!" He said loudly. She shook her head. "I'm glad you'er enjoying it Ambassador."' She replied curtly. For a second, she could have sworn that the Klingon's grin widened just a little. "I bring good news, Glad tidings etc." Her eyes widened. That was all she needed; a Klingon who wanted to play guessing games. "It's a little early for a wake up call Captain, how can I help you?"

"I think I found something that belongs to you." He said enigmatically. "Please go to your window, Commodore." The Klingon asked. "I have something to show you." She sighed. As she looked across to the window. Then she saw the Diplomacy, as it howled out of the flaming nebula. Something else took her eye, from the sleek green birdlike shape, of Ke'reth's vessel. A Federation ship. Or at least what was left of one. Its hull was torn open in several places. A black gouge across her name. USS Miami NCC - 48713. As she watched, two other Federation Vessels broke through the wall of scarlet and amber flames. She felt her emotions well up within her, at first she was speechless. Then finding her voice "A glorious Morning indeed Captain."

"A glorious Morning indeed..."