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To create this very easy to do, realistic looking proton stream. You obviously need Photoshop 6! Without this you're on your own.

Start with a black background, or if you have a picture of yourself prancing around in your GB gear scan that in and use it. Make a new layer and grab the paintbrush tool, and draw a proton stream type line in yellow. After all that you should have something looking like my first picture!

Next step is to add an outer glow. Use a reddish/orangey color and set the spread and size to suit your yellow line. Set the blend mode to screen, so it gives it that raw energy look. After that merge the visible layers. Then take the blur tool and blur in the yellow stream into the red a little.

This is where it starts to take shape. Make another new layer and take the paintbrush again, and draw in some thin electricity like lines with a light bluey/grey color. then use the outer glow again and use a darker blue this time, making sure that the size of the outer glow is right (no naff looking streams please). Again merge the layers and blur the blues together.

Last but not least go to filters, render, lens flare. Pick a lens flare check the brightness and there you have it a finished realistic Proton Stream.

When you've mastered the proton stream you can add it to a picture, like the one of Ray Stantz I've done to show you.