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Campaign Briefing

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The Old Old Story                go to model resolution

Nobody dares deny that Britain's pensioners deserve an increased share of rising national prosperity. At the very least, the link should be restored between the level of the basic state pension and the level of average earnings.

Yet the 1996 Party Conference was persuaded not to vote on this issue by the promise of an ill defined "Review". Now, one General Election and scores of "Policy Forums" later, the Review's findings have not yet been published and Conference is in grave danger of being denied a vote on the widely-supported "earnings-link" principle. The recent National Policy Forum at Durham has offered Conference no options at all. If the needs of pensioners are no longer to be neglected, contemporary motions on this issue must be submitted to Conference and prioritised for debate.

Model resolution

"This Conference notes the widely-accepted demand that Britain's pensioners should receive an increasing share of rising national prosperity and that the link should be restored between the level of basic state pension and the level of average earnings.

Conference further notes that the relevant proposals from the National Policy Forum still do not permit Conference to take any view on this straightforward demand, even though it has very substantial support amongst the Party's affiliated organisations and constituency membership.

When this demand was raised at the 1996 Conference it was not resolved by a vote but referred to a 'Review'. So that this Review is published and tabled this week, Conference instructs the NEC to treat this matter as one of immediate importance. "


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