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How to get there
From Chester. Follow the A54 until the turn off to second turn off to Kelsall, Oscroft and Willington. Down Chester Road until you reach the Royal Oak pub. Turn Left immediately before it, down Dog Lane. Carry on down Dog Lane until you reach a gate immediately in front of the road, with a caravan site to the right of it. The road bends sharply, but the style next to this gate is the entrance to the Dog Lane Superstadium.


A Brief History
    Firstly, a disclaimer. I have only been a member of Kelsall FC for a year and a bit, I know very little about the beginnings, but I'll present what I know anyway.
    Kelsall started as an under 13s team back in 1997. Since then it has been essentially the same team, just moving up the age groups. At the start of last year, a lot of the older lads in the team left to play for Tarvin and Little Budworth due to the lack of an under 16s team at Kelsall, we carried on as the under 15s though. This year we are playing as the under 16s in a league with 7 other teams.